10 Minute Morning Stretch for an Amazing Day

Who doesn't love a quick, but still deep, stretch in the morning? We all have 10 minutes to spare to ensure you wake up the right way and have a great day.

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Who doesn't love a quick, but still deep, stretch in the morning? We all have 10 minutes to spare to ensure you wake up the right way and have a great day.

I won't waste any more time, just roll out your mat. No props needed.

1. Side Bends - Start standing at the front of your mat, with the feet a bit wider than hip width and in parallel. Reach your hands up overhead, clasping the opposite wrists. Inhale to lengthen, then as you exhale move in to a side bend to the left. Push in to the right hip. Inhale to center, exhale to the other side. Move side to side a few more times. Take this in to a full circle. Reaching hands to the left, bend the knees, fold all the way down, push in to the feet to come up to the right. Do 3 rounds. Then switch directions.

2. Forward Fold - Reach the hands up, bend your knees and fold all the way down. Let the belly rest on to the thighs. Relax the upper body, the head, the neck, and shake gently side to side. Bend the left knee deeply, while straightening the right leg. Alternate legs. Paddle the feet in this way a few times. Next turn the toes out and heels in, bend the knees, and drop the hips down in to a yogi squat. Use the elbows to push the knees out. Let the hands rest down to the mat in front of you. As you exhale, straighten the legs and fold forward. As you inhale, bend the knees back to squat. Do 3 rounds.

3. Goddess - Take the feet wide, turning heels in and toes out. Reach the arms out to the sides, in star pose. As you exhale, bend the knees and drop the hips in to Goddess. Squeeze open the glutes, and squeeze the shoulder blades behind you. Rest the left hand to the left thigh, and reach the right arm up and over in a big side bend. Repeat on the other side. Return to center, and rest both hands on thighs. Drop your right shoulder down, and pull the left shoulder back. Switch sides. Press in to the feet to straighten the legs and bring the feet in to parallel. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Exhale, to fold forward and let the hands rest down where comfortable.

4. Runner's Lunge - From forward fold, walk the hands to the right foot. Point the toes to the right, lifting the left heel off the mat, and bending in to the right knee. Melt the pelvis down and forward, while lifting the heart. Drop your back knee down to the mat. Stay here, or reach your right arm back as you bend in to the left knee, pulling the left heel in to the glute. Release, and tuck the back toes under and lifting the back knee off the mat. Straighten the front leg, as you fold in to a wide pyramid. Then walk the hands back to center, in to a wide legged forward fold. Take to the other side.

5. Flow - Come to standing at the front of your mat, to take a vinyasa flow. Inhale the hands over head, exhale fold forward. Inhale hands to the shin for a half lift, exhale to step back to plank. Inhale to lower down into cobra back bend, then exhale to lift the hips up and back for downward dog. While in down dog, bend one knee and push the opposite heel down. Then switch. Paddling the legs out. Afterwards, bring the big toes together, and take the knees wide as you bend and lower them to the mat. Come on to the tops of the feet, sinking hips back to the heels. Let forehead come down to forehead, reaching the arms forward in child's pose.

6. Shoulder Opening - Bring the knees together as you lift up to kneeling. Open up the arms as you squeeze the shoulder blades behind you. Bend the arms in to cactus. Exhale, bringing the forearms together. Take a few rounds with your breath. Straighten the spine. Wrap the right elbow under, binding your arms once or twice. Push the elbows away, dropping the shoulders and tuck chin to chest to let forehead rest on arms. Repeat on other side.

7. Unwind - Come to a comfortable seat, roll your shoulders down. Rest the hands on the legs. Notice the effects on the body. What feels different? Find something to be proud of, or grateful for.

Prefer to be guided along by my voice and visual cues? Press play on the 10 minute class below.


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from Yoga with Kassandra https://ift.tt/2mBiCf2
10 Minute Morning Stretch for an Amazing Day 10 Minute Morning Stretch for an Amazing Day Reviewed by Private Met on 8:09:00 PM Rating: 5

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